Shipping Information
Shipping charges within the U.S. are as follows:
1-4 Full Plates - $5.00 for Priority Mail shipping
Individual images up to $17.99 value ~ 1st class mail $2.50 ~
Priority Mail available upon request $5.00
Individual images $18.00 - $70.00 value ~ $5.00 Priority Mail.
Individual images over $70.00 value ~ Email for shipping quote.
Shipping charges to CANADA are as follows:
1-4 Full Plates - $20.00 for Priority Mail shipping
Individual images up to $17.99 value ~ 1st class mail $8.00 ~
Priority Mail available upon request
Individual images $18.00 - $70.00 value ~ $20.00 Priority Mail.
Individual images over $70.00 value ~ Email for shipping quote.
International Orders:
International Priority Mail is our preferred shipping method.
1-4 Full Plates can be sent to *MOST* Countries for $24.00.
1-20 Individual Images can be sent to *MOST*
Countries for $24.00.
Please email me your order and I will send you a shipping
quote and a PayPal invoice reflecting the correct shipping cost.